Adrian scouting new locations in Yorkshire Dales National Park. Spring 2020.

Adrian is amateur wildlife and landscape photographer based in Leeds, where he is working full time as a CNC Programmer for ACS Stainless Steel Fixings Ltd, in state-of-the-art, carbon neutral manufacturing facility. ACS is the largest and most innovative manufacturer of structural building components in the UK,  have led innovation within the industry for over 40 years, and Adrian is proud to be a part of it. 
He is fortunate enough to live in the beautiful land of Yorkshire, not far from his favourite National Parks and the most scenic landscapes in Britain, where he love spending free time with his camera. Adrian quickly fell in love in "God's Own County". Perhaps because it's beautiful rolling hills, woods and chalk streams evokes memories from Northern Poland, where he was born and grew up. Planning new photo trips, scouting new locations, wild camping and capturing evocative landscape images... All that has become a big part of his life.
In addition to that, for as long as he can remember, he have loved to observe nature, which he have also been trying to photograph for some time now. Exploring the biodiversity of the world around us, learning about the behavior of different species, about bird migration, and seasonal changes in nature. Looking deep into the beauty of the seasonal transformations of flora and fauna. Observing the weather and its relationship with the landscape, and watching the wildlife reactions to the elements. All that and connection with nature, combined with the passion for photography, despite the fact that it requires many sacrifices and is very time-consuming, brings him peace of mind and a sense of balance in his life, in spite of the cost of effort.
One of the things he loves as a nature photographer is the unpredictability. As much as he like to plan his every photo trip, he love the surprises that mother nature has always to offer.
A very wise man once said that looking deep into nature helps you understand everything better.
Adrian strongly believe in that and as he gets older, he understand more and more how important it is in life to find time to connect with nature, and how important it is to protect, truly respect and preserve
  the beautiful and fragile environment with unfortunately more and more struggling wildlife around us.
Melting glaciers, forests on fire, whitening coral reefs, disappearing fish from the oceans...
Nature know how to heal itself, but now is in need of our help more than ever...
When he is not at work, and not shooting nature, probably he spending time with his much loved dogs and wife Anna, which she is also conservationist and nature lover. However due to her disabilities and health condition, she is not spending as much time as she would love to in the great outdoors. 
 His every photo trip is a unique experience, full of lessons and memories. He believe that his best pictures are not yet taken... 

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